"I think the Old Masters would have considered Crayola Crayons a high-tech palette in a box" Jeffrey Robert

The art of Jeffrey Robert has transformed a crayon into a paintbrush and reinvented the idea of what can be created with an ordinary Crayola crayon, taking crayons to new heights on the lofty walls of art galleries and Museums. People stop, stare and smile when they see his artwork framed with his signature crayon nameplate and it really sets his art apart giving it a distinctive look. Then comes the automatic catchphrase, "I can't believe he did that with a box of crayons!" 

Recognized as a pioneer of crayon art, Jeffrey Robert has been the feature of numerous Newspaper, Magazine and Television programs including ABC's Good Morning America with his good friends at Crayola for their 100th Year Celebration.  

According to Crayola: "Jeffrey Robert...creates Rembrandt-like pieces using absolutely nothing but Crayola Crayons and inspires adults and children everywhere to recognize and utilize the simplest of mediums, one that we've all used at one time or another and most likely have lying around the house, as a tool to explore and develop their creative and artistic side." Decor Magazine 2004

Growing up in Hawaii with a royal Hawaiian heritage, Jeffrey was a gifted artist and musician with a passion for surfing. Born at Tripler Hospital and raised in Foster Village on Oahu, he attended Pearl Harbor Elementary School, Aliumanu Intermediate School and Radford High School where he received exceptional grades in art and was named "Surfer of the Year" by his high school yearbook. Jeffrey states, "When Crayola produced their 64 box, I was attending Pearl Harbor Elementary School in Hawaii and wow, so many colors, it was amazing! Little did I know years later Crayola would invite me to be a part of their 50th birthday celebration!

Along with his role as an artist, Jeffrey has been inspired to educate people of all age and skill levels through his educational crayon art DVDs and workbooks by sharing the power of visualization and application in the simple and effective techniques in the use of crayons.


ARTIST STATEMENT: For my entire career in fine art, my crayon art has attracted, amazed, astonished, and inspired people in all walks of life. There is truly a universal attraction to fine art with crayons and I believe crayons are a bond that connects us all.

Through my years as The Crayon Artist, during gallery showings, school lectures, public appearances, I have constantly had people of all ages light up when they tell me their favorite thing about crayons...whether it be a memory when they were a child, now sharing that bond of crayons with their children or grandchildren and even children telling me how much they love to color with friends, siblings, parents, grandparents. I consider crayons to be a stress breaker as I have even met many busy executives who secretly share their continued love of coloring as they open their desk drawers and show me their Crayola crayons and coloring books!

Somehow through all of the new technology, it feels like we are about to lose that one thing that binds us all...crayons, the one tool that we all have experiences with, which can connect us all together. I hope to inspire children and adults to open a fresh new box of crayons, smell that familiar smell and reminisce of happy times when the world just stood still as we colored to our hearts desire, creatively expressing ourselves, without a care in the world.

So, even though today crayons are typically considered to be just for kids, in times like these, with a world in chaos, it feels good to think back to times when life wasn't so complicated. Creating art with crayons is a wholesome and productive way to simply relax!


MUSEUM EXHIBIT - July 12-October 23, 2011 - Coloring Outside the Lines
Discover what can be done with the uniquely colorful medium of crayons in the hands of a master!


ACCORDING TO CRAYOLA: "Jeffrey Robert creates Rembrandt-like pieces using absolutely nothing but Crayola Crayons and inspires adults and children everywhere to explore and develop their creative and artistic side." Decor Magazine 2004


STRONG MUSEUM-Museum of Play - COLOR US HAPPY! by Nicolas Ricketts, Curator
Jeffrey Robert demonstrates why coloring with crayons is both fun and ambitious and donated one of his drawings to the museum...you can see his beautiful and realistic completed crayon creations on his website. It just goes to prove that coloring is timeless and ageless.


Coloring outside the lines: Jeffrey Robert's vivid creations are proof that coloring with crayons isn't just kid's stuff. "Remember the excitement and wonder of opening a new box of crayons? Jeffrey Robert does, and his reaction today is the same as when he was a kid: Something magical is possible"


THE ARTIST'S MAGAZINE - Feature article
Working Outside the Lines: Jeffrey Robert proves that crayons aren't just for kids.


ART BUSINESS NEWS - 2007 feature article - Celebrity Art features JEFFREY ROBERT
Jeffrey Robert The Crayon Artist, admires the vision, talent and popularity of the celebrities he depicts. Crayola invited Robert to appear on "Good Morning America" with Charles Gibson. The interview was conducted while Robert created a portrait of Gibson in crayon, the only medium in which he works.


GOOD MORNING AMERICA - “We've been watching some amazing artwork being created all morning by a marvelous artist, Jeffrey Robert. These are done all entirely in crayon! I'm so pleased that you did that” Charles Gibson Good Morning America


DALLAS MORNING NEWS - TEXAS LIVING FRONT PAGE ARTICLE - SPEAKING WITH AUTHORITY Jeffrey Robert is a man with a mission...to start America coloring...who does detailed, stunningly realistic art works using the Crayolas most people played with as kids.


FT. WORTH STAR TELEGRAM - PARTING SHOT JEFFREY ROBERT CRAYON ARTIST ...Jeffrey Robert’s works are gorgeously lifelike renditions.


CELEBRITYBABYSCOOP.COM Features artist Jeffrey Robert and recommends his signature Crayon Collectibles to their readers! Celebrity Baby Scoop is the #1 Blog on Celebrity Babies and their famous parents reaching 1.2 million unique visitors a month!


Crayon art like you have never seen before, on display at the Cornell Museum of Art & American Culture.


ATLANTIC AVENUE MAGAZINE Feature article "Coloring Outside The Lines"


EXPLORE PALM BEACH MAGAZINE Cover Art features HONU BABY by Jeffrey Robert